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Lise Alves - Catholic News Service
Catholics who work in the Amazon say members of small, isolated villages believe the church could be more present in their lives if it allowed the ordination of married men.
Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
"Dorothy taught me to pay attention and feel the sufferings of others," said Martha Hennessy, one of Day's granddaughters.
Maria Wiering - Catholic News Service
Ramsey County Attorney John Choi and his staff have been deeply involved in the efforts of the archdiocese to improve its policies, procedures and practices around protecting children from sexual abuse during the past four years.
FaithFaith in Focus
Being able to experience God through prayer has changed my life. I have learned to respond with love instead of lashing back; I have learned my worth and strength; I have learned to not allow negativity back into my life.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
We use the word “God” to speak of that which is much too great for us to seek and to find. We cannot search for God to satisfy our curiosity. God must find us, or we are lost.
Inside the Vatican
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” we look at how Francis has changed the role of papal secretary and discuss Father Gonzalo Aemilius, the pope’s new personal secretary, who is known for his work with street children and drug addicts in his native Uruguay.