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FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Today’s readings describe moments of destruction, uncertainty and discord.
Nichole M. Flores
Psalm 137 reflects my longing to return home, even as I am aware that I have idealized it in my earnest efforts to not forget it.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Although the Holy Family is central to this feast of the Presentation, Simeon and Anna play vital roles.
An interview with Martha Hennessy
Jim McDermott
Again and again I have watched Californians find a way beyond the categories they are supposed to occupy.
FaithShort Take
Michael WhiteTom Corcoran
The U.S. church’s decline in revenue is exacerbated by rising overhead costs, write the authors of "Church Money: Rebuilding the Way We Fund Our Mission." Parishes need to be more direct about the crisis.