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Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
Members of St. Anne Parish in Cow Island, Louisiana, gave their neighbors a Christmas blessing from the heavens, so to speak.
FaithNews Analysis
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
Is it appropriate for a priest to accompany a person who had chosen to undergo assisted suicide?
FaithFaith in Focus
Valerie Schultz
Just as I took care to exercise physically for the endurance of my heart, I needed to break a spiritual sweat for the good of my soul.
FaithThe Word
Tucker Redding, S.J.
God shatters our expectations to show us his unlimited and unbounded love. Jesus Christ entered our world in a lowly way in order to raise up the lowly. 
Inside the Vatican
On this week’s episode of “Inside the Vatican,” the hosts talk about why the pope chose this theme for his speech, who he spoke to, and how these Christmas addresses fit into the pope’s larger effort to reform the Roman curia.
FaithThe Word
Elizabeth Kirkland CahillIsabelle SenechalTucker Redding, S.J.
Join us as we offer daily scripture reflections for the entire Advent season.