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James Martin, S.J.
The Rev. James Martin, S.J., leads listeners through a guided reflection on how to prepare for the way of the Lord through prayer.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The congregation's task has always been “the transmission and dissemination of the faith throughout the whole world.”
Plague: Untold Stories of AIDS & the Catholic Church
The path to inclusion wasn’t straightforward.
The Teutonic cemetery at the Vatican is seen in this 2015 file photo. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
In 2015, Francis had Tomasito laid to rest in the Teutonic cemetery in the Vatican, close to the place where St. Peter was executed.
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
In his off-the-cuff remarks, the pope highlighted the importance of listening.
The story of Catholics and the AIDS epidemic in the United States is often told as one of “gays versus the church.” But the reality was much more complicated.