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FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
If regret harries you, Christ is seeking you. Lay down the remorse. Embrace the redeemer. Let all losses be restored, all sorrows end.
Inside the Vatican
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” the hosts recap the pope’s visit to Thailand and Japan, which Rome Correspondent Gerard O'Connell believes was “one for the history books.”
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
For more than a year, he has faced questions about how he has addressed the clergy sex abuse crisis.
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News ServiceJunno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Archbishop William E. Lori called the meetings "providential."
Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash
FaithFaith in Focus
Simcha Fisher
Hint: Most of them are just ‘regular Catholics wanting to deepen their devotion.’
Doreen Abi Raad - Catholic News Service
Amid deadly protests in Iraq, a people's uprising in Lebanon and continued suffering in Syria, Catholic leaders of the Middle East called upon officials of their homelands to "ensure safety, peace and tranquility and stability for their citizens."