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Cemetery by old church of St George in Reichenau Island, Germany. iStock photo
Zita Ballinger Fletcher
“These options are in no way Christian: to anonymously scatter ashes in nature, air or water; to install an urn in a private home or apartment; to bury remains in a private garden; or to divide ashes into multiple ‘remembrance objects,’” the bishops wrote, also criticizing the trend to convert loved ones’ ashes into jewelry.
Father Ferro visits with a parishioner in San Francisco, Colombia. Photo by David Agren.
David Agren
His work is increasingly to support what synod organizers call creating a more “Amazon-like” church. A more Amazon-like church incorporates the customs and sensibilities of the local population, like indigenous spirituality, and promotes new forms of evangelization.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
You just cannot be a disciple of Christ without trying to fly, at least a little, in this life. You must risk letting go.
Catholic News Service
Deacon Pereira will become the first priest from the Tikuna ethnic group, a tribe of about 60,000 people that live deep in the Amazon, along a stretch of the jungle shared by Colombia, Peru and Brazil.
Jonathan Luxmoore - OSV News
"The synodal way is a 'sui generis' process, and not a synod or a particular council, and there'll be no separate German process, without Rome, on questions touching the universal church.
The St. Louis Jesuits at their final concert, on Sept. 29 at Powell Hall in St. Louis. From left, Tim Manion, John Foley, S.J., Bob Dufford, S.J., Dan Schutte and Roc O'Connor, S.J. (Don Doll, S.J.)
Isabelle Senechal
We asked America readers for their 10 favorite hymns of all time, as well as their favorite St. Louis Jesuit hymns, to mark the farewell concert by the St. Louis Jesuits. There was some crossover on both lists.