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Catholic News Service
Father Julian Ekka, vice principal of the Jesuit-run De Nobili School in Koradih, and the nurse, Emerencia Lomga, were arrested following a complaint from the father of the alleged victim, said district Police Chief Aman Kumar.
Luke Hansen
Catholic bishops, indigenous leaders and experts are preparing to gather in Rome from Oct. 6 to Oct. 27 for the special Synod of Bishops on the Pan-Amazonian Region.
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
The synod, scheduled for Oct. 6-27, will focus on "Amazonia: New paths for the church and for an integral ecology."
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The pope launched the new initiative, called the Global Compact on Education, for the future of new generations with a video and written message released by the Vatican Sept. 12.
The Editors
Throughout the visit to Africa, we were invited to see what a “poor church for the poor” looks like. Let’s keep our attention there, the Editors write.
Steve Karnowski - Associated Press
Archbishop Bernard Hebda said in a statement posted on the archdiocese’s website that the investigation targets Bishop Michael Hoeppner of the Crookston diocese.