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A demonstrator holds a placard reading “Tradition & Customs Catholic Church cares for tradition! Maintain many traditions! Such as abuse!” during a protest in front of the Cologne Cathedral in Germany.
OSV News
The Catholic Church in Germany has so far paid more than $43.5 million (40 million euros) to victims of sexual abuse, German Catholic KNA agency has reported.
Nicole Winfield - Associated Press
The pope warned there's a risk that a reform process in the German Catholic Church over calls for married priests and other possible liberalizing reforms might become harmfully "ideological."
The Vatican has significantly limited the scope for church reforms in Germany. A letter from Rome which became public on Monday evening rejected the establishment of so-called Synodal Councils.
A rainbow flag hangs off of a Gothic church
Catholic News Service
The bishops adopted the more liberal guidelines for the approximately 800,000 employees of the Catholic Church and the Caritas social services organization.
helmut dieser of aachen speaks with a white background in mind
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Homosexuals have a right to church support and blessing, said Bishop Helmut Dieser, who is the spokesman on abuse issues for the German bishops’ conference.
A priest sits in front of a microphone wearing clerical clothing
Catholic News Service
Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch apologized for offending people and said he never intended to imply that supporters of the German church’s Synodal Path were acting similar to a group of Christian supporters of the Nazis in the 1930s.