The legalization of euthanasia in Canada—so-called medical assistance in dying, or MAID—challenges our common values and shakes the very foundations of our living together.
Georgetown University announced Monday that it has appointed Dr. Fauci the Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine’s department of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases.
With rapid advances in medicine and sweeping changes in the U.S. health care landscape, some are suggesting that the U.S. bishops’ Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services needs a complete overhaul.
While most Catholic hospitals already refrain from offering transgender surgeries and hormonal interventions, the vote means that the bishops will move to formalize such bans.
Maternal mortality has reached alarming levels in the U.S., especially in the Black community. The Catholic Health Association strongly supports a package of laws to better care for mothers and infants.