When you have thoroughly internalized the idea that you ought to be taking up less space than you do, Lizzo is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
‘Severance’ critiques the faceless American company, for whom workers are interchangeable cogs and poor mental health is the collateral damage of productivity.
The wellness industry is redefining purity as a form of escapism from one’s own moral impurity. Diet has become a substitute for a genuine attempt to be a better person.
Walking the walk has always been my metaphor of choice for growing closer to God, for following the path to a sturdier faith, for keeping my feet on holy ground. Who am I if I am unable to walk?
Pope Francis, 85, and U.S. President Joseph Biden, 79, have engaged questions about their age and capacity to lead differently, offering clues about their leadership styles and priorities.
If we can accept that God loves us as we are, that we are worthy of love at any size, is it wrong to also desire to be thinner and to take steps to reach that goal?