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Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Demonstrators burned two Catholic churches in Chile, where gatherings to mark the one-year anniversary of mass protests against inequality descended into chaos.
Politics & SocietyNews
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
A Catholic priest was found dead in El Salvador on Aug. 7, the most recent in a pattern of Salvadoran clergy killings over the past half century. 
Demonstrators in Denver advocate for Black, indigenous and Latino communities July 4, 2020. (CNS photo/Kevin Mohatt, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Adrienne AlexanderMichael N. Okińczyc-Cruz
The Black Lives Matter movement is an opportunity for Latino Catholics to express solidarity. “Tu lucha es mi lucha,” or "your struggle is my struggle,” write Adrienne Alexander and Michael N. Okińczyc-Cruz.
Andrea Dowlen, left, an Americorps worker with Catholic Charities of Tennessee, and Matthew Grimes, a Catholic Charities volunteer, fill emergency food boxes July 7, 2020, for people who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the March 3 tornadoes. The boxes contain enough food to feed two people for five to seven meals. (CNS photo/Andy Telli, Tennessee Register)
Andy Telli - Catholic News Service
About 30 families at Sagrado Corazon have had members infected by the virus, Father David Ramirez said. There also have been families at St. Luke Church in Smyrna and St. John Vianney Church in Gallatin that have been directly affected by the virus.
A vandalized statue of St. Junipero Serra in San Francisco is seen June 19, 2020. The Spanish Franciscan founded several missions in what is now California. (CNS photo/David Zandman via Reuters)
Politics & SocietyNews
Alejandra Molina - Religion News Service
The statue of St. Junipero Serra is the latest to be either defaced or forcibly removed by people protesting against monuments that depict the country's colonial and racist past.
J.D. Long García
New ministries are trying to help Latino L.G.B.T. Catholics and their families understand each other by working at the intersection of faith, culture and sexuality, reports J.D. Long-García. The first step is talking openly and honestly.