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Arts & CultureTheater
Rob Weinert-Kendt
A lovingly crafted new revival of “The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window” at the Brooklyn Academy of Music makes a fresh case for reconsideration of Lorraine Hansberry's less well-known second play, which followed the classic “A Raisin in the Sun.”
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
History and Ash Wednesday illustrate a mutual truth: Ideas are much easier to suggest than to suppress.
(Europa Editions/Urszula Soltys)
Arts & CultureInterviews
Maurice Timothy Reidy
My Father’s House centers on Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty, a real life Irish priest who, with the help of an electic group of accomplices, helped shuttle escaped prisoners of war captives to safety.
Arts & CultureBooks
Benjamin Ivry
A new collective tribute by a baker’s dozen of erudite specialists adds up to an erudite, if in some parts abstruse, overview of the remarkable life and ecclesiastic career of Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino.
Christopher J. Kellerman
The history of the church was nothing close to a steady, if interrupted, march to eliminate slavery.
Arts & CultureArt
Christopher Parker
Johannes Vermeer’s renowned use of light may have been more than just an artistic statement; it seems likely it was a spiritual one, as well.