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Politics & SocietyNews
Judith Sudilovsky - Catholic News Service
After two Christmas seasons in which the political reality had overtaken holiday cheer, people seemed primed to finally feel some merriment in Bethlehem.
A Palestinian returns an Israeli tear gas canister during a protest marking Land Day Ramallah, West Bank, March 30. (CNS photo/Mohamad Torokman, Reuters)
Catholic News Service
Pax Christi's leadership is concerned that Israel's actions violate international law and must stop.
Judith Sudilovsky - Catholic News Service
"It is very encouraging to witness the faith of the community of Christians living in that enclosed space and also in the midst of a huge Muslim community majority," said Cardinal Nichols.
Security wall outside Bethlehem (photo by author)
FaithIn All Things
Jeremy Zipple
The ancient Christian population of Bethlehem is fast disappearing. One of the few remaining Palestinian Christians explains what it feels like to celebrate Christmas there today.
Politics & SocietyInterviews
Gerard O’Connell
Escalating violence between Israel and Palestine has left at least 213 Palestinians and 12 people in Israel dead since the outbreak of hostilities on May 11. In 2014, we spoke to Israeli Jesuit Father David Neuhaus on the more than six decades of conflict in the Holy Land.
Politics & SocietySigns Of the Times
America Staff
Currently, if anything about Christianity is taught, it is about the Crusades and the Inquisition. There is no teaching of comparative religion.