James Carney pledged his life to the cause of destitute campesinos in Honduras, living and working among them as a parish priest and organizing campesino cooperatives to fight for land reform and human rights.
The Diocese of Rome said it had discovered “gravely anomalous procedures” that led to the brief excommunication of Father Marko Rupnik and his dismissal from the Jesuits after multiple allegations of abuse.
“In a world divided, wounded and in need of healing, peace and reconciliation, La Civiltà Cattolica offers everyone a message of hope,” Nuno da Silva Gonçalves, S.J., said in reaction to the appointment.
In 'The 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church,' Rachel Swarns tells of “one of the largest documented slave sales in the nation," the Jesuit sale of 272 enslaved persons in 1838.