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A man in black priest's garb speaks into a microphone
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
With a “firm intention to proceed with measures to ensure that situations similar to those reported will not occur again,” Father Verschueren said the Jesuits will begin an internal process that “may result in disciplinary action.”
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“Pope Francis’ message is really about a personal relationship with Jesus,” Kizito Kiyimba, S.J., to America’s Vatican correspondent. “His message remains after him.”
Nicole Winfield - Associated Press
A prominent Jesuit artist whose mosaics decorate churches around the globe has been barred from pursuing his artistic activity after 15 more people came forward with fresh accusations against him of spiritual, sexual and psychological abuse.
Nikolaas Sintobin, S.J.
Traditional Catholic networks have evaporated, and professional marketing of our faith is needed to fill the void.
Arts & CultureBooks
Benjamin Ivry
A new collective tribute by a baker’s dozen of erudite specialists adds up to an erudite, if in some parts abstruse, overview of the remarkable life and ecclesiastic career of Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis has dismissed the idea that he could soon resign and stated clearly for the first time, “I believe that the pope’s ministry is ad vitam [for life]. I see no reason why it should not be so.”