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Politics & SocietyNews
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
The Rev. Patrick J. Conroy, a lawyer and Jesuit priest, stepped down as chaplain to the House of Representatives at the beginning of this year, ending nearly ten years of service to the People’s House.
FaithShort Take
Marcia Chatelain
Dr. King and St. Ignatius found themselves needing to turn inward to feel the graces that would inspire their hearts and their pens to share how God was working through them in moments of personal strife.
FaithFaith in Focus
Matthew Zurcher
A picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus hangs above my bed and is one of my most precious possessions. Its artist, like Jesus, has been condemned to die for his crimes.
Demonstrations in November were conducted all over Spain against the ‘Ley Celaá.’ Photo courtesy of Mas Plurales.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Bridget Ryder
A new law threatens the viability of government-supported Catholic schools in Spain.
Politics & SocietyExplainer
Kevin Christopher RoblesMolly CahillErika Rasmussen
They’re Democrats and Republicans, Catholics, Protestants and a Buddhist. But they all graduated from a Jesuit high school, college or university.
It’s easy to be mad at politicians, Father Conroy says. But they are human beings doing a hard job in a toxic environment. So we should pray for them, too.