“There is no doubt that we owe a great debt of gratitude to our Jesuit brothers who have shepherded this parish so well for so long,” Santa Fe Archbishop John C. Wester said in a July 27 statement about Immaculate Conception Parish.
The Ignatian way of approaching the world with thoughtfulness, care, courage and love is bearing fruit during a year of immense challenges, write two leaders of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.
Structural racism must be addressed as a collective, not only an individual, responsibility. A new project at Boston College tackles this challenge. Its inaugural director, Vincent Rougeau, explains.
Kino was ”a classic example of the 17th-century philosopher-scientist, where faith meets science,” remembered as a defender of the Indigenous people of what would become the United States of America and Mexico.
In Spain where a trial is being held to determine the guilt for the 1989 deaths of the Salvadoran martyrs, an expert witness has said that the killings were "premeditated" and that there was a widespread campaign to discredit the Catholic church prior to the murders.