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Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis commented that the situation in the Catholic Church in the United States is “not easy,” where “there is a very strong reactionary attitude” that “is organized and shapes the way people belong, even emotionally.”
The Muslim American vote is growing, and that represents an opportunity for the Republican Party. In photo: participants in the annual Muslim Day Parade along Madison Avenue in New York City on Sept. 25, 2022. (iStock/Ryan Rahman)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Paul James Macrae
In Montgomery County, Md., Muslim parents have been protesting a sex-ed curriculum they say is insensitive to religious belief. Is this local battle a warning sign for Democrats nationally?
Politics & SocietyNews
Kate Scanlon - OSV News
Policies governing transgender students have become controversial of late.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
In her feature, Eve Tushnet describes a curriculum she is creating to welcome young L.G.B.T. Catholics. The article elicited numerous responses from our readers.
Ty Wahlbrink, S.J.
Ten years ago on the flight back from his first World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Pope Francis spoke these five simple words that reverberated around the world: “Who am I to judge?”
Arts & CultureMusic
Aidan Johnson
Sinéad O'Connor, who was found dead in London on July 26, thwarted any attempt throughout her life to extinguish her creativity or her output.