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FaithFaith and Reason
Samuel J. Aquila
Archbishop Aquila: When the church minimizes the danger of an unworthy reception of the Eucharist, she fails to properly love those who continue to jeopardize their souls. Trading “civility” and “engagement” for eternal life is not a good trade.
FaithFaith and Reason
Louis J. Cameli
The question of giving Holy Communion to those in same-sex marriages has both canonical and pastoral implications.
A conversation with Stina Kielsmeier-Cook on her memoir ‘Blessed Are the Nones: Mixed-Faith Marriage and My Search for Spiritual Community’
We have done a disservice to our entire Catholic community by keeping quiet about Natural Family Planning and then rushing through it in marriage prep. (iStock/jacoblund)
FaithShort Take
Ellen Holloway
Natural Family Planning is too important to be relegated to marriage preparation class, writes Ellen Holloway of the Charting Toward Intimacy podcast. We need to talk about it early and often.
Catholic News Service
This year, World Marriage Day, observed annually on the second Sunday of February, will be celebrated Feb. 14, which also is the feast of St. Valentine and which since the eighth century has been a celebration of love and affection.
James T. Keane
No matter how many times you hear it described thus—jokingly or not—an annulment is not just “Catholic divorce.” Church teaching is not that the marriage in question failed, but that the marriage never existed in a sacramental sense.