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Politics & SocietyNews
Tim Sullivan, Associated Press
In a Catholic world where debates over clerical celibacy have flared from Brazil to the Vatican, Joshua Whitfield is that rarest of things: A married Catholic priest.
Simcha Fisher
Catholic groups offer high-tech, effective options for couples seeking to use fertility awareness based methods of family planning. But first they need more access to them.
FaithFaith in Focus
Beverly Willett
Some say I have brought suffering on myself by standing up for the promises I made at the altar. In a sense that is true. But the alternative would have been to betray myself.
J.D. Long García
Its multifaceted approach aims to welcome couples into the community, enrich their relationships and help them grow together in the faith.
Couples exchange vows during a wedding service at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Georgetown, Del., on Feb. 14, 2010. (CNS photo/Don Blake, The Dialog)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Robert David Sullivan
Nearly two-thirds of college graduates are married, writes Robert David Sullivan, compared with only about half of those who have not gone beyond high school.
FaithFaith in Focus
Pasky Pascual
I pray we are merely on temporarily divergent, independent journeys to our best personal selves so that, someday, we can meet again downstream in conjoined bliss.