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Politics & SocietyDispatches
Anthony Egan, S.J.
The South African human rights campaigner and Anglican clergyman was known throughout the world for his human rights accomplishments. But above all, he was a committed priest and person of deep prayer.
Arts & CultureBooks
Aidan Johnson
Anne Rice's lush fantasy fiction reflected the lifelong influences of religion and spirituality in her life.
FaithLast Take
James T. Keane
Charles R. Morris, who died on Dec. 13, was a prolific author with a broad range of interests and expertise. He also wrote a two-part history of America Media for our 100th anniversary.
Politics & SocietyLast Take
James Martin, S.J.
“Reading authors like bell hooks taught me to be alert not only for instances of sexism and racism but for patterns of it,” writes Father James Martin.
FaithShort Take
Edward P. Hahnenberg
Father Donald Cozzens was rightly recognized as a prophetic voice and an advocate for church reform throughout his life and priestly ministry.
In this Dec. 16. 2000 file photo, President-elect Bush smiles as he introduces retired Gen. Colin Powell, left, as his nominee to be secretary of state during a ceremony in Crawford, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Drew Christiansen
Colin Powell’s great misfortune was to serve as secretary of state among “the Vulcans,” the Republican policy-makers who subverted Mr. Powell’s more moderate initiatives.