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An illustration with an aerial view of hundreds of people coming together in the shape of a cross
FaithShort Take
Robert Aaron Wessman, G.H.M.
Too many disagreements cloud the profound and real communion shared among Christians. By literally coming together and meeting face-to-face, church leaders can demonstrate a better way.
Capitol building in red and blue
FaithYour Take
Our readers
Readers respond to Father Sam Sawyer's article about how St. Ignatius' ideas could offer a way out of current ecclesial, cultural and political polarization.
pope francis greets medical workers in a hospital in 2021
FaithFaith in Focus
Molly Cahill
I was pleasantly surprised to realize that amid all the polarization and turmoil found online among Catholics, we can still come together to pray for an old man who happens to be our pope.
a cross in between two black and white stock image heads with a blue background, the heads face away from each other
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
What is the way out of polarization? And why does that question—along with the now-commonplace observation that society suffers from deepening divisions about everything from gun control to abortion to public funding for religious schools—seem so exhausting?
crown of thorns on a purple background with a candle in front
The Editors
That the Lord seeks not to punish us for our sins but to call us all back to holiness is a conviction so strong among theologians in the church in the modern age that it risks becoming a truism.
Photo: iStock
Politics & SocietyOf Many Things
Maurice Timothy Reidy
“Our communion is unsure of itself.” We must “recover a sense of what holds us together.” The stakes are very high for our church, and listening to one another is the first step on a much longer journey.