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Politics & SocietyIdeas
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
The dogmatic thinking that convinced us that a phone could (should!) be a sheer piece of glass, that a swipe of a finger on a screen should feel like moving a real object, and that the Internet should be in our pockets has opened up tremendous possibilities.
Politics & SocietyFaith
Anthony Egan, S.J.
How did this man so profoundly capture the aspiration and passion of an entire nation as he did mine that day in May 1994?
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
From 2013: Enforcing marijuana laws seriously drains social resources and contributes to the nation’s unconscionably high incarceration rate.
Politics & Society
Matt Malone, S.J.
The mission of America, wrote its first editor in chief, is not only to “chronicle events of the day and the progress of the church” but also to “stimulate effort and originate movements for the betterment of the masses.” When John Wynne, S.J., penned those words in 1909, he
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Ryan Duns, S.J.
Job crying out to God for an account of the tragedies that had befallen him and his family hears a response from the depths of the whirlwind Who is this who darkens counsel with words of ignorance nbsp Gird up your loins - now like a man I will question you and you tell me the answers Where we
Politics & Society
The Editors
As immigration reform takes center stage in Washington, we offer a selection of articles from America on immigrants and the need for immigration reform:"Does the Gospel Speak to Immigration?" Michael O'Loughlin"Immigration Reform," Cardinal Roger M. Mahoney"The Other Ame