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Politics & SocietyNews
Frederick Nzwili - Religion News Service
Church leaders in Africa are urging more attention be paid to the problem of spousal abuse during the pandemic.
Politics & SocietyNews
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
Bishops' conferences from Brazil, Indonesia and Ireland are announcing their intent to divest from fossil fuel companies, in keeping with the spirit of Pope Francis' Laudato Si' encyclical, which was released five years ago.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Clarke
As much as 75 percent of Lebanon’s population is in need of emergency assistance.
New housing units being built in the Israeli settlement Efrat are seen on the hillside overlooking a Palestinian village near Bethlehem, West Bank, May 10, 2020. The Vatican issued a statement May 20 stating concerns about an Israeli plan to unilaterally annex a large portion of land in the West Bank. (CNS photo/Debbie Hill)
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“The Holy See is following the situation closely and expresses concern about any future actions that could further compromise dialogue.”
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Clarke
Health work during a pandemic can be dangerous and the thought of falling ill themselves cannot be too far from the minds of medical and sanitation teams. But thousands of other relief and development staff and volunteers will face many of the same risks and fears.
Mike Decker of Nashville, Tenn., applies an electrostatic disinfectant at Christ the King Church May 15, 2020. Bishop J. Mark Spalding has reinstated the public celebration of Mass in the diocese at the discretion of pastors, effective May 18. (CNS photo/Rick Musacchio, Tennessee Register)
Politics & SocietyColumns
Ellen K. Boegel
The Trump administration is permitting state and local governments to exert their traditional power to draft and enforce health and safety regulations. This has led to a variety of responses across the country and even within the same state.