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Politics & SocietyNews
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
The latest poll also found that 55% of respondents identified as "pro-choice" and 40% as pro-life.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Zimmermann - Catholic News Service
In 2013, religious groups and houses of worship were granted a religious exemption by the Supreme Court from the government's mandate in the Affordable Care Act to include coverage of contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs in their employee health plan.
Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher leaves a military court on Naval Base San Diego on July 2, 2019. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Matthew Shadle
President Trump’s intervention in the military justice system undermines the idea that soldiers are moral agents at the service of the public good, writes Matthew Shadle of Marymount University.
Life at a refugee camp in Kindjani, Niger, for Nigerians fleeing Boko Haram in 2016: A young girl drinks water delivered to the community by Catholic Relief Services. (CNS photo/Michael Stulman, CRS)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Shola Lawal
The pastor’s murder is only the latest attacks in the West African nation. On Jan. 19, Boko Haram insurgents ambushed two separate Nigerian army patrols, killing 17, and slaughtered a bridal party on Dec. 27.
Politics & SocietyNews
Jonathan Luxmoore - OSV News
With 55% of parishes having closed, attendance at Mass in the Netherlands is continuing to drop, with "peak secularization" yet to come as even more parishes close.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Catholic leaders in Germany have compiled responses from lay Catholics in areas related to who holds power in the church, sexual morals, the role of priests and the place of women in church offices in preparation for an upcoming synodal assembly to debate church reforms.