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Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
The ruling comes in a case filed by Dr. Roger Kligler, a retired physician from Cape Cod who has advanced prostate cancer, and Dr. Alan Steinbach, who treats terminally ill patients.
Politics & SocietyNews
Philippe Vaillancourt - Catholic News Service
The bishops said they welcomed the minister's willingness to revise and enrich the content of the program, on the condition that "this will not be done to the detriment of the notions of religious culture."
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
Our prayers are with our country, all the members of the U.S. Senate and the president as this trial begins.
Politics & SocietyNews
Associated Press
China has blasted a report from Human Rights Watch that accused it of constructing a surveillance state at home while seeking to silence critics abroad.
Politics & SocietyNews
Tim Swift, Catholic News Service
U.S. Sens. Benjamin Cardin and Christopher Van Hollen, both Maryland Democrats, joined Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore and other local faith leaders to call for increased federal funding to strengthen security at religious sites amid a recent rise in anti-Semitic attacks.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Nicholas D. Sawicki
Despite the conceptual similarities, a Senate trial, formally referred to as a Court of Impeachment, is fundamentally different from a standard trial.