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Politics & SocietyNews
Aya Batrawy - Associated Press
If the U.S. were to directly bomb Iran, it could spark a war and lead to region-wide violence, potentially drawing other countries into a global conflict.
Politics & SocietyNews
Giovana Soria - Catholic News Service
The Bolivia Child Welfare Agency estimated that in 2014, there were 14,000 cases of rape of children and women nationally.
Politics & SocietyInterviews
Sean Salai
As we learn more and more about this history, we learn it’s not just a Jesuit story. While our focus is on the history and legacy of Jesuit slaveholding, what has become clear is the centrality of slaveholding in the history of the Catholic Church
Demonstrators react during a Jan. 3, 2020, protest in front of U.N. offices in Tehran, Iran, after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani was killed in a U.S. drone airstrike at Baghdad International Airport earlier that day. (CNS photo/Nazanin Tabatabaee, West Asia News Agency via Reuters) 
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Kevin Clarke
Christians have just begun to trickle back to communities that had been devastated first by ISIS then by the Iraqi and U.S. coalition forces that drove out ISIS. Those forces include the Shiite militia that have been targeted by the Trump administration over the last week.
Politics & SocietyNews
Simon Caldwell - Catholic News Service
"The recent anti-Semitic graffiti in north London brings shame to us all," said Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
Politics & SocietyNews
David Ryan and Jordan Grantham, Catholic News Service
Bishop Shane Mackinlay of Diocese of Sandhurst expressed concern about "the impact that fires have already had on communities and by the anxiety that the threat of fire is causing."