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Politics & SocietyNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
In their "ad limina" visit with the pope, the bishops from Ohio and Michigan discussed a wide variety of topics, including the sex abuse crisis and how that impacts the work of priests.
Politics & SocietyNews
Samya Kullab, Associated Press
Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, patriarch of the Chaldean Church in Iraq, decries the sectarianism that is prevalent in his country.
Politics & SocietyNews
Rhina Guidos - Catholic News Service
The second guard was later stabbed multiple times while inside the crypt area in the lower part of the basilica.
Asylum seekers in Tijuana, Mexico, listen to names being called from a waiting list at a border crossing in San Diego on Sept. 26. (AP Photo/Elliot Spagat,File)
Politics & SocietyLast Take
Kerry Kennedy
The human rights activist Kerry Kennedy, a daughter of Ethel and Robert F. Kennedy, finds both heartache and heroism during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Jan-Albert Hootsen
Mr. LeBarón, the family's spokesperson, said he hopes he can channel the grief and anger over the killings into a broad social movement. “We want to unite the whole country. We want a social movement, not a political one,” he said.
Politics & SocietyNews
David Agren - Catholic News Service
Blessed Miller was beatified Dec. 7 in Huehuetenango, where he was remembered as a martyr for education.