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A man in Karachi, Pakistan, retrieves circuit boards from discarded computer monitors Aug. 16, 2017. An economic system lacking any ethics leads to a "throwaway" culture of consumption and waste, Pope Francis said in a speech addressed to members of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism during an audience at the Vatican Nov. 11. (CNS photo/Akhtar Soomro, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
"An economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed," he said in a speech addressed to members of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism during an audience at the Vatican Nov. 11.
Politics & SocietyVantage Point
James T. Keane
While Prohibition’s popularity would wane by the end of the decade because of its unintended consequences, at the time of its ratification and implementation, it enjoyed a fair amount of popular support. Except in the pages of America.
Politics & SocietyNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis urged greater efforts to reform prison systems, address the root causes of crime and ensure acceptance and reintegration once a person completes his or her sentence.
Politics & SocietyJesuitical
On the podcast “Know Your Enemy,” self-described Bernie Bros try to understand their political rivals on the right’s own terms, providing “a leftist’s guide to the conservative movement.”
Politics & SocietyNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
During his Nov. 20-26 visit to Thailand and Japan, Pope Francis will deliver a message at the "hypocenter" or ground zero park in Nagasaki and will hold a meeting for peace later that day at the peace memorial in Hiroshima.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
The Ohio state senate passed by a vote of 24-9, "The Born-Alive Infant Protection Act," which would require any child born alive following an abortion to receive the same medical care as any newborn.