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Politics & SocietyColumns
Thomas J. Reese
As the crisis of climate change attains more urgency, many more people—especially the young—are coming to protest how humans are treating the planet to the detriment of all the living.
Politics & SocietyJesuitical
A conversation with Rep. Ro Khanna of California’s 17th District
Worshippers attend a candlelight vigil on July 20 at St.Patrick's Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, following an immigration march and rally. (CNS photo/Jorge Salgado)
Politics & SocietyNews
J.D. Long García
The FBI is offering a $5,000 reward for each church for information leading to an arrest. Mr. Ceniceros said the diocese is offering an additional $5,000 for each church, adding that the same person or persons are believed to be responsible for all three incidents.
Politics & SocietyNews
David Argen - Catholic News Service
Lawmakers in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca have approved a measure to decriminalize abortion, despite vocal church opposition.
If abstaining is not an option.... (iStock/cmannphoto)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Kevin M. Doyle
The stakes are too high for the independent-minded to sit out party primaries, writes Kevin M. Doyle, a pro-lifer and onetime Democrat. We must make a choice, even it is a random one.
Politics & SocietyNews
Michael Sainsbury - Catholic News Service
Two more Australian states have passed legislation criminalizing priests who fail to report the abuse of children disclosed during confession.