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Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Christopher Robles
A coalition of Catholic organizations will gather on July 18 in front of the U.S. Capitol to protest the treatment of immigrant children at the border.
A man prays on June 15, 2016, in front of photographs of victims of the mass shooting at an L.G.B.T. nightclub in Orlando, Fla., during a vigil at a nearby church. The mass shooting was one of the hate crimes discussed on July 16 at a hearing held by the Helsinki Commission. (CNS photo/Jim Young, Reuters) 
Politics & SocietyNews
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Father James Martin was among the religious leaders testifying to members of the Helsinki Commission, which monitors human rights worldwide, about a surge in reported hate crimes.
Politics & SocietyNews
Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
On a scale where 0 is best and 10 is worst, the U.S. score on individual and social group hostilities soared from 3.3 in 2007 to 8.4 in 2017 -- the most recent year studied -- which qualified as the highest in the region.
Politics & SocietyNews
Dale Gavlak - Catholic News Service
Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Cardinal Louis Sako is concerned by rising tensions between the United States and Iran, fearful that his country, Iraq, could be caught in the middle of any potential conflict. It has also made a proposed visit by Pope Francis to Iraq next year uncertain, he said.
Politics & SocietyInterviews
Matthew Buscarino
I wanted to know what it was really like to travel to the moon, but I realized that the only people who knew would not be around much longer.
Politics & SocietyNews
Colleen Long - Associated Press
The move by President Donald Trump's administration was meant to essentially end asylum protections as they now are on the southern border.