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Politics & SocietyNews
Barbara Fraser - Catholic News Service
With the miners came violence and diseases like malaria, to which the relatively isolated Indians had no resistance. In one village, no one survived. In others, as many as one-third of the villagers succumbed, some to disease and others to malnutrition.
Politics & SocietyNews
Rhina Guidos - Catholic News Service
An exhibit on Chinese empresses featured a rare display by two Jesuit missionaries whose artwork was in the past largely seen only by royalty and high government officials.
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
The complex process of examining bones and extracting DNA will be crucial in determining whether the remains in a small Vatican cemetery belong to Emanuela Orlandi, a young woman who disappeared in 1983, a Vatican-appointed forensic anthropologist said.
Politics & SocietyNews
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
Bishop John E. Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, bishop-president of Pax Christi USA, and Bishop Marc Stenger of Troyes, France, co-president of Pax Christi International, were among the signers of a statement released July 8.
Politics & SocietyNews
Aysha Khan - Religion News Service
Two new reports conclude that China is engaging in organ harvesting and a child separation campaign against the country’s Uighur Muslim minority.
U.S. President Donald J. Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)Iranian Presidency Office via AP)
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
The Editors: The United States risks engaging in an unending financial war with Iran that could slip into a military one at the slightest provocation.