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Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
Seniors, especially those who live alone, face the same resistance as recent college graduates in an economic and political environment that still promotes the costly option of a single-family home with a front lawn and two-car garage.
Politics & SocietyNews
Claudia McDonnell - Catholic News Service
Jewish and Catholic leaders met in a spirit of joy and cooperation at a 25th anniversary celebration marking the Vatican's recognition of the state of Israel.
Politics & SocietyLast Take
Edward W. Schmidt, S.J.
We need to share our many blessings with immigrants.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
"The injustices and sufferings still being inflicted by these executioners risk diverting us from God's path into a spiral of vengeance and cycle of violence," the bishops said.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
The mineral-rich country has suffered persistent violence by armed groups, leaving 4.5 million people displaced and a fifth of the population needing basic assistance, according to the United Nations.
Politics & SocietyNews
Cedar Attanasio - Associated PressAmy Taxin - Associated Press
U.S. agencies have been scrambling to find adequate facilities for migrants streaming across the border with Mexico, and the Border Patrol has been detaining some children for weeks as opposed to the court-mandated 72 hours.