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Politics & SocietyNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
The papal almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, visited the Greek island of Lesbos, where migrants are being held pending the review of their status. He went to see firsthand what the migrants' living conditions really are and what is being done to assist them.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The aim is to build and promote a different kind of economy: "one that brings life not death, one that is inclusive and not exclusive, humane and not dehumanizing, one that cares for the environment and does not despoil it," the pope said in the letter, released by the Vatican May 11.
Politics & SocietyNews
Herbert G. McCann, Associated Press
Farrakhan asserted people shouldn't be angry with him if "I stand on God's word," also saying that he knows "the truth," and "separate the good Jews from the Satanic Jews."
Politics & SocietyNews
Pablo Gorondi, Associated Press
Hungary has stemmed the flow of migrants, and the issue promises to be a major bone of contention in the upcoming European Union elections.
Politics & SocietyNews
John Longhurst
Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian who was charged with blasphemy and whose conviction was overturned has moved to Canada to be with her family. She is said to be "very tired" from her ordeal and happy to be with her loved ones.
Politics & SocietyNews
Rhina Guidos - Catholic News Service
Refugee advocacy organizations have urged continued support for federal programs such as the U.S. Refugee Admissions Programs as necessary for assisting vulnerable people seeking a better way of life.