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Politics & SocietyNews
Michael Sainsbury - Catholic News Service
Churches and governments throughout South Asia and Southeast Asia are becoming increasingly concerned with the continued threats from Isis-inspired groups and persons, given the growing number of church bombings.
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
If begun, impeachment could succeed in the House, but conviction and removal from office would almost certainly fail in the Senate along partisan lines.
Workers collect oil from a stream below the site of an oil pipeline break in 2016 in Wachapea, Peru. Catholic leaders are calling for governments to protect the territorial rights of indigenous people suffering eviction from their lands and pollution of their water because of mining and oil operations in the Amazon basin. (CNS photo/Barbara Fraser)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Dean Dettloff
“Will this ombudsperson really be able to provide justice for a community in Guatemala, who has really experienced crimes, including rape, the forced displacement of their community, and murder?”

Politics & SocietyNews
Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
What's taking place outside the constant scrutiny of news cameras and commentators is the number of immigrant communities already well-established in the country.
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis applauded the beatification of four Argentine martyrs -- a bishop, two priests and a layman -- who were murdered early in the country's seven-year long "Dirty War."
Young pro-life advocates from St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Perryville, Mo., participate in the 46th annual March for Life on Jan. 18 in Washington. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz)
Politics & SocietyNews
Kevin Clarke
Coming so soon after the suspension of the Twitter account for the anti-abortion film “Unplanned,” the suspension raised some eyebrows in the Twitterverse.