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Politics & SocietyNews
Aysha Khan - Religion News Service
Does an inmate deserve to have a religious representative present during an execution?
Politics & SocietyNews
J.D. Long García
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is facing an “unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis,” according to officials.
Politics & SocietyNews
Monica Scislowka - Associated Press
Priests at a Catholic parish in northern Poland have drawn criticism after they burned books, including from the "Harry Potter" series, and other items that their owners said had evil forces.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Jan-Albert Hootsen
Bringing their product from field to coffee bar through these fair trade networks means coffee growers in one of the poorest areas in Mexico are less vulnerable to volatile commodity market price shifts.
Politics & SocietyNews
Heather Adams - Religion News Service
“You cannot evangelize to people who are hungry, who are dying, who are not getting an education.”
Politics & SocietyJesuitical
Olga Segura
This week, we talk with Matias Benitez and Matt Chen, the founders of HeForShe, a feminist club at Regis High School.