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Politics & SocietyNews
David Gibson - Religion News Service
Eight years ago this Friday Sept 12 Pope Benedict XVI delivered a lecture at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria in which he seemed to diagnose Islam as a religion inherently flawed by fanaticism It was an undiplomatic assertion to say the least.
FaithFaith and Reason
Joseph Ratzinger
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger responds to a 2001 America article by Cardinal Walter Kasper on the relationship between the universal church and local churches.
FaithWashington Front
John Carr
For secular Washington, Benedict was the pope of no. For those who listened, Benedict is more the pope of and, connecting charity and truth, faith and reason.
FaithNews Analysis
Drew ChristiansenJames Martin, S.J.Vincent J. MillerSidney Callahan
On Feb. 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced a decision that will have far-reaching implications for the modern church.
FaithIn All Things
William Van Ornum
Many of us today remember C. S. Lewis for writing the books which led to the film series “Chronicles of Narnia.”
FaithOf Many Things
James T. Keane
The pope visits Yankee Stadium, and other sacred moments in secular spaces.