Senator Joe Manchin, who announced last week he would not run for re-election, blocked efforts to fight climate change and child poverty. That doesn’t make him a ‘centrist.’
Ivonn Rivera is the winner of the Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership 2023 Award for her "leadership in fighting poverty and injustice in the United States through community-based solutions,”
The child poverty rate was cut almost in half after an expansion of the child tax credit. So why did Congress, including many in the pro-life movement, let the expansion lapse?
Gustavo Gutiérrez’s 'A Theology of Liberation' was first published in English 50 years ago. That first edition served as a primary introduction to a new way of doing theology and becoming church with the poor and insignificant.
Whether we think “they should get jobs” or “the government should take care of them,” too often we regard the poor dispassionately. The story of the good Samaritan is a better place to start.
Rather than make it easier to find affordable housing, governments at all levels are trying to “solve” homelessness by criminalizing the actions of homeless people.