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Politics & SocietyNews
Ann Carey, Catholic News Service
An anti-poverty summit that took place at the University of Notre Dame Oct. 15-17 brought together American Indian tribal leaders from around the country to discuss poverty issues on their reservations, with a goal of formulating tribal/church strategies to address that poverty.
Jesuit Father Michael Czerny, undersecretary for migrants and refugees at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, was one of 13 new cardinals named by Pope Francis Sept. 1. (CNS photo/Robert Duncan)
Catholic News Service
The Vatican announced that Pope Francis personally would ordain the cardinal-designate a bishop Oct. 4, the day before the consistory.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“Our young people are our foremost mission! We must invite them to find their happiness in Jesus,” the pope said at Mass for 368,000 Catholics.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Father Opeka welcomed Pope Francis to Akamasoa which, he said, “was one a zone of exclusion, suffering violence and death” but over the past 30 years “Divine Providence has created an ‘oasis of hope’ in which children have regained their dignity, young people have returned to work and their parents have begun to work to prepare a future for their children.”
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
On Sunday, Sept. 8, his last day in Madagascar, Pope Francis celebrated Mass for approximately one million people. The overwhelming majority of those present at Mass are poor, but they love Francis because they see him as “a man of God” and “the pope of the poor,” one who is on their side in world where they have so little.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
On his first day in Madagascar, Pope Francis issued a strong call to the governmental authorities of this island of 27 million people to fight “with determination” against “endemic forms of corruption and speculation,” to “confront” the situations that “create conditions of inhumane poverty,” and to protect the environment against damage to nature and the people.