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crown of thorns on a purple background with a candle in front
The Editors
That the Lord seeks not to punish us for our sins but to call us all back to holiness is a conviction so strong among theologians in the church in the modern age that it risks becoming a truism.
man hiking in grass among treetops and mountains
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
Give yourself over to contemplation. Climb the mountain. Soon enough, you will be saying with Peter, “Lord, it is good that we are here.”
FaithFaith in Focus
Joe Laramie, S.J.
“What should I do for Lent?” That’s the wrong question. Rather, it is not the first question we should ask. It is the last one. Let me explain.
people stand by burnt out and collapsed buildings in syria searching for survivors
Justin McLellan – Catholic News Service
Pope Francis expressed his “spiritual closeness” and “solidarity” with those affected by a pair of powerful earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria Feb. 6.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Atar Hadari
Mario Puzo's novels are shot through with religious themes—but almost never with genuinely religious characters.
FaithFaith in Focus
Robert E. Lauder
Centering prayer helps me find those places in my heart where God's grace is playing.