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Arts & CultureArt
Cecilia González-Andrieu
At first encounter, Harmonia Rosales’s “The Creation of God” is striking. It is beautiful and familiar. Like Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam,” Rosales’s painting portrays the creation of humankind. However, the skin tones, gender and story being depicted by the artist are strikingly different.
Arts & CultureBooks
If we expect law enforcement personnel to do their jobs properly, radical change is necessary.
Arts & CultureBooks
Elliott J. Gorn
The Defender was an essential community institution that shaped black ideas, politics and social life.
Lowell Thompson
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Judith Valente
Mr. Thompson, one of the first African-Americans hired by a major Chicago advertising agency, is on a crusade to convince people of all races that this is not a black or white matter. Human beings represent a range of color.
Arts & CultureBooks
Shannen Dee Williams
One cannot begin to understand the current deterioration of American race relations without confronting the enduring realities of white supremacy present in the case of Emmett Till.