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FaithVantage Point
James Martin, S.J.
From 1996: After two years of work in East Africa, it’s not my own experiences that I remember most vividly—it’s the stories I heard from refugees.
Newly arrived migrants are transferred by Spanish police to a temporary location after arriving at the coast of Gran Canaria island, Spain, on Nov. 1. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean sailing on a wooden boat, a group of 44 migrants had arrived at Maspalomas beach. (AP Photo/Javier Bauluz)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Bridget Ryder
So far this year, over 16,760 migrants have survived clandestine voyages from Africa’s west coast to Spain’s Canary Islands, more than 5,500 arriving over just the last two weeks.
An Ethiopian woman and child, who fled the ongoing fighting in the Tigray region, are seen at the al-Fashqa refugee camp in Sudan on Nov. 14, 2020. (CNS photo/El Tayeb Siddig, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Clarke
Catholic Charities U.S.A. spent decades building a domestic network to assist the social integration of incoming refugees. Three years of declining numbers and obliterated budgets took a sledgehammer to all that.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Michael J. O’Loughlin
In a virtual event for J.R.S., Biden promised to increase the number of refugees resettled in the United States, and Dr. Fauci said the pandemic shouldn’t stop resettlement efforts.
The sculpture "Angels Unawares" is seen at The Catholic University of America in Washington on Sept. 27, before touring the United States over the next year. The life-size sculpture, which depicts a group of migrants and refugees crowded on a boat, is a replica of the one Pope Francis unveiled in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican during the 2019 World Day of Migrants and Refugees. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Giulia McPherson
The Trump administration has lowered refugee admissions to an all-time low. Giulia McPherson of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA explains why this is both inhumane and shortsighted.
A displaced child from the Moria refugee camp looks over a fence inside a new temporary camp on the Greek island of Lesbos Sept. 23, 2020. (CNS photo/Yara Nardi, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyNews
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
The administration announced it would bring the refugee cap—the maximum number of displaced people the country decides to resettle in a federal fiscal year—to a historic low: 15,000.