Catholic Social Services refuses to place foster children in homes headed by same-sex couples; the city of Philadelphia says this policy violates a nondiscrimination law.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his advisors are misreading the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is supposed to protect citizens from being intimidated by the government. It is not intended to intimidate citizens.
Jacob Wirtschafter - Religion News Service Mina Nader - Religion News Service
El-Sissi has already ensured his victory in the balloting that runs from March 26-28, after the imprisonment of three contenders and the withdrawals of four other opponents.
Vanessa Gera - Associated PressMonika Scislowska - Associated Press
The law has fueled a diplomatic crisis with Israel, which fears it would enable Poland to whitewash the role of the Poles who killed or denounced Jews during the Holocaust.