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Catholic News Service
Adoption and foster care, free speech and church vandalism are some of the topics of concern chosen by the U.S. bishops for Religious Freedom Week, which is set for June 22-29.
A Radio Chiedza official promotes the would-be community radio station’s mission in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 2016. Photo courtesy of Radio Chiedza.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Marko Phiri
Zimbabwe’s broadcasting authorities promise to liberalize national media, but those concessions have not been extended to religious broadcasters at Catholic dioceses.
Rafael Maeder Moreira, 12, rubs his arm after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine at the Annenberg Foundation in Los Angeles on May 13. (CNS photo/Lucy Nicholson, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Mary Doyle Roche
Parents must always weigh the risks and benefits of health care decisions for their children, writes Mary Doyle Roche. In the case of Covid-19 vaccines, they must also consider solidarity with other families.
President Joe Biden leaves Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington after Mass Jan. 24, 2021. (CNS photo/Erin Scott, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Ellen K. Boegel
If Joe Biden wants his presidency to have a lasting impact on religious freedom, he and his fellow Democrats must craft legislation acceptable to Republican senators.
The genocide of Christians in the Middle East continues to this day, as seen in Azerbaijan’s occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed region with an Armenian majority. In this photo, men look at the ruins of a house in the city of Stepanakert on Oct. 17, 2020. (CNS photo/Reuters)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Alex GalitskySteven Howard
Formally recognizing the genocide of Armenians is not just a matter of history, write Alex Galitsky and Steven Howard. It is a necessary first step in confronting Turkey over its present-day human rights abuses.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Michael J. O’Loughlin
The U.S. bishops’ conference has made defeating the Equality Act a priority, citing concerns over religious freedom.