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FaithFaith and Reason
Steven P. Millies
The Catholic Church in the United States is in danger of losing its relevance if its presentation of the Gospel is alien to the world in which people live.
FaithFaith and Reason
Peter Feuerherd
In April 1962, Archbishop Joseph Rummel of New Orleans not only denied Communion to three Catholics in his archdiocese; he formally excommunicated the three, who vehemently opposed his efforts to desegregate Catholic schools.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The appointment of Bishop Lazzaro You Heung-sik as the new prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy is another major surprise in the Francis papacy.
FaithNews Analysis
Austen Ivereigh
While the optics of Boris Johnson's marriage in a Catholic church this weekend suggest a double standard, in fact the church seems to be treating him the same it would any divorced Catholic seeking to remarry.
FaithFaith and Reason
Mark Brumley
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and others are acting for the good of souls. As a last resort, they propose denying Communion to people who persistently and publicly promote the grave evil of legal abortion.
FaithJesuit School Spotlight
Sean Salai
The sacraments took place within two socially distanced school Masses on May 13 and 14.