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Politics & SocietyNews
Pablo Kay - Catholic News Service
A bill making its way through the California Legislature would make the state the first since 1999 to require priests to choose between violating the law or violating the seal of the confessional.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Even as pope, Francis considers himself a parish priest—“the world’s parish priest” as he once told a friend. This morning, he presided in a small Catholic enclave more than 100 miles from Sofia, the capital city.
FaithFaith in Focus
Joe Hoover, S.J.
Adding more words will not make Mass “better.” If you cleanly speak the words as they are, if you let them flow through you, the people in the pews may hear the Mass as they have never heard it before. You do not need to do more. It’s not about you.
FaithFaith in Focus
Joseph McAuley

Some three months before Neil Armstrong stepped off the ladder of the lunar module and left his footprints upon the surface of the moon in July, 1969, and uttered those immortal words about it being but “one small step for man” and yet “a giant leap for mankind,” a young, brown-haired, freckle-faced boy in the northwest Bronx had not a few momentous steps of his own to make: With hands clasped in front of him, he slowly, quietly, shyly and solemnly made his way up the aisle of St. Nicholas of Tolentine—his parish church—to kneel at the altar rail.

Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The percentage of Catholics in the world has remained steady, while the number of priests has decreased for the first time in almost a decade.
A woman receives ashes on Feb. 14, 2018, at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. (CNS photo/Adrees Latif, Reuters) 
FaithShort Take
Brianne Jacobs
Even the holiest people are complicit in social sin; we benefit from injustices that we do not control. Yet we still have the freedom to seek God’s grace.