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man holds up the eucharist at an altar with candles in front of him
FaithShort Take
Joshua J. Whitfield
Given that so many converts come into the church precisely because they have discovered the Eucharist, it seems sensible we should listen to them especially.
Father Joel Sember is the pastor of a cluster of parishes in and around the city of Antigo in rural Wisconsin.
FaithShort Take
Jim McDermott
It is inspiring to see how the people are allowing the challenges of their community to function as inspiration rather than reason for complaint.
Patrick Cullinan
The precious blood is an important part of Communion, but many people are afraid of the risk of cross-contamination from a shared chalice. Why shouldn’t we simply use separate cups? There are a few reasons.
FaithFaith in Focus
Ted Kennedy Jr.
Ted Kennedy Jr. on the importance of godparents: The need and desire for spiritual guidance, love, support and personal mentorship does not end when we reach adulthood.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
Is it possible that people who say that the sacrament is more trouble than it is worth, that they do not need confession, have duped themselves?
The wellness industry is redefining the concept of purity as what you consume rather than as the moral state of your soul. (ClaudioVentrella/iStock)
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Sara Scarlett Willson
The wellness industry is redefining purity as a form of escapism from one’s own moral impurity. Diet has become a substitute for a genuine attempt to be a better person.