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Diane Scharper
In this book, Danny commits lies of omission as he does not tell his sister how much he hates their mother for essentially leaving them to whatever fate throws their way.
Melissa Vida
On Oct. 14, 2018, he was canonized by Pope Francis. Today, Salvadorans ask themselves what the transition from “Msgr. Romero”—what he has been called in El Salvador for decades—to “St. Romero” means for his legacy.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The cardinal archbishop of Westminster came to Rome with 15 English and Welsh bishops to concelebrate the Mass in which Pope Francis declared Newman a saint, the first British saint to be born after 1800.
Banners showing new Sts. Giuseppina Vannini and John Henry Newman hang from the facade of St. Peter's Basilica as Pope Francis celebrates the canonization Mass for five new saints in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Oct. 13, 2019. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The new saints include three women religious who cared for the poor and the sick, a laywoman mystic and the most significant English Catholic theologian of modern times.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ryan Di Corpo
In all, Father Collins understands Newman not as “a stainless saint,” but as a dutiful friend and a multifaceted defender of the Catholic faith. 
Sean Salai
The Rev. Dr. Will Adam, an official in the Anglican Communion, offers his perspective on the upcoming canonization of John Henry Newman.