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Nicole Winfield - Associated Press
"You Russians have in your blood, in your humanistic and religious tradition" an understanding of love, Francis said to Russian cosmonauts.
In this photo provided the European Space Agency on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli looks at the Multipurpose Transporting Plate aboard the International Space Station. Pope Francis is making his first phone call off the planet - and into space. On Thursday, Oct. 26 the pope will reach out to the six astronauts on the International Space Station. It will be only the second time a pope phones the heavens like this. Pope Benedict XVI called the space station in 2011. Nespoli was aboa
Marcia Dunn - Associated Press
Francis is known for his out-of-the-blue calls. But this one has been in the Earth-to-space pipeline for a while.
The Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau doesn't want to replace human pastors with robots. It just wants to get people talking about the nature of blessing. Photo by Emily McFarlan Miller
Emily McFarlan Miller - Religion News Service
“What is blessing? Who can bless? Can God bless through a robot?”
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
"Pray for good weather," he said to laughs. "But also pray for what God wants you to learn from the experience."
Carol Zimmermann - Catholic News Service
Catholic schools and parishes are gearing up to host solar eclipse events.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Margot Patterson
On Aug. 21, there will be a total solar eclipse and its path will fall across the entire continental United States.