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FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
The parable reminds us that just labor practices are a pro-life issue that should be considered as we discern our election choices.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Actions reveal character and intention more than words do.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
In our baptism, each of us has been chosen. So many others in this world have not. We must constantly ask ourselves: Why?
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
We use the words “mystery” and “miracle” not to say that science has been stumped but rather to express the expansive claim that an event makes upon us.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
“It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs,” Jesus told her. Yet she is not repelled by his parable. She engages it.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
Like Peter, we might envy the one who walks on water, thinking that more control of our lives is all that we need.